Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday in the Park

Today was a rare day for me in that I had nothing specifically planned. At least at first. I took the opportunity to sleep late after being exhausted from Brighton yesterday. Well, not too late, considering I still needed to get things crossed off my sightseeing in London list.

I began the day by going to Regent’s Park in Northern London, which I heard was absolutely beautiful. The rumors were right. The park was by far the most beautiful I have seen in London so far, and I have been to many parks. It was huge and had a little something for everyone—open fields where many sports were being played, gardens with no shortage of perfectly bloomed flowers and landscaped trees, little man-made rivers and springs—some for content enjoyment and others for paddle boating and a mini pond just for paddle boating for the kids. I spent a good 4 hours in the park, just walking around, picking up some lunch and reading amidst the trees and water. It was a gorgeous day in London, which got progressively cloudier as the day went on, so I’m glad I went in the morning hours.

I reluctantly boarded the Tube to go back into central London to the Science Museum, which I’d wanted to see for a while. It was pretty cool, but younger kids probably would have enjoyed it more. There was something for every interest though, which was nice. Lots of stuff for every taste. I did not stay too long since it was very crowded with families. The museum did not take me as long as predicted so I debated what to do next. I decided to walk up the street to find the Serpentine Gallery in the middle of Kensington Park.

The Serpentine Gallery is a tiny gallery that features one exhibit of a modern artist at a time. It was way too modern for my taste, so I cannot say that I enjoyed it much, but someone who likes modern art would.

Despite the cold, I sat in the park for a bit and read my addicting book some more before walking back to my flat opposed to taking the Tube. It was a gorgeous day for walking and I definitely did not waste time doing that.

It was good to get a lot of sightseeing in, as time seems to have sped up here in London. I go home in about 3 weeks and will miss London lots. This week will be very busy with work and travel.

Jade Goody’s funeral was yesterday, theoretically putting an end to all the coverage surrounding her, but I doubt that since stories about her have been covered in the free papers literally every day since her death two weeks ago now.

I am also going to Barcelona, Spain on Friday, so I will be busy planning for that. It’ll be nice to go on another trip since our Italian adventure seems like it was ages ago. Anyway, hope everyone has a good week.

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