Monday, April 27, 2009

Back in the States

So today I am writing from my house in suburban Deerfield outside Chicago. Four thousand miles from London and in a completely different world, but one no less familiar to me. It is a cloudy day--very English weather, although I never found the rain that bad in London compared to everyone's complaints. 

It was a long flight home, but I was lucky enough to sit next to my friend Lauren and enjoyed a good movie selection, so it wasn't too bad. Right now working on getting my real life back into order and finalizing everything for the summer and next year. I've talked on the phone and watched TV more in the last 12 hours than I have in the last four months. I ate a huge American cheeseburger last night, so that was a good welcome back to me. 

All is good here in Deerfield. I miss London lots, and will never forget my time there. So, I've gone a little OCD and made a bunch of lists of all the things I will miss from London, stuff I did and some tips if you plan on going to Europe any time soon. So here are my lists, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did writing them out. Cheers!

Top 10 Must See Places In London
Portobello Market
Covent Garden/Leicester Square
Regents Park
Kensington Gardens
Borough Market
Churchill Museum
Somerset House
Buckingham Palace
Tower Bridge/Tower of London
Thames River

Things I Miss From London
Pub Culture
Trashy celebrity gossip
Free daily newspapers
British pounds
Victorian architecture
(Mostly) free museums
The spellings of certain words
The Tube
The Thames River
An international city
The huge amount of different English dialects
Lack of peanut products
Too much else to count...

Things I Miss From The States
Family and friends
"Real" hamburgers
Separation of church and state
Complete separation of journalism and state
Spacious living quarters
American television
Movies usually open in the States first
Ice in drinks
Complimentary table bread
Tap water

English Words/Phrases I Will Miss
Cheers, mate
Top Up
Way Out
Mind the Gap
Mind your Head
Mind the Step
Stone (instead of pounds)

Food I'll Miss From Europe
English breakfasts
English bacon
Turkish Delights (not English, but they're in England more than here)
Italian gelato
Spanish tapas
The fact that croissants are everywhere
The fact that donuts are everywhere
Fish and chips
Lots of ham sandwiches
The emphasis on tea (even though I hardly ever drank it)
Biscuits (cookies)

Top Apartment Quirks
No hot water
No cold water
Water that is either too hot or too cold
Shower curtains that don't work
Kitchen smelled towards the end--turned out to be a rotting, cracked egg
The abundance of mold
The front door doesn't close all the way unless forced
Broken dresser drawers
Tiny living quarters
One bathroom, six girls--enough said

Places I Went
Isle of Wight, England
Paris, France
Rome, Italy
Florence, Italy
Venice, Italy
Barcelona, Spain

Day Trips I Took In England
Dover Castle
Warwick Castle

Theatre I Saw
The Lion King
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Phantom of the Opera
Sunset Boulevard
Billy Elliot
Spring Awakening
La Cage Aux Folles
Calendar Girls

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