Monday, April 27, 2009

Back in the States

So today I am writing from my house in suburban Deerfield outside Chicago. Four thousand miles from London and in a completely different world, but one no less familiar to me. It is a cloudy day--very English weather, although I never found the rain that bad in London compared to everyone's complaints. 

It was a long flight home, but I was lucky enough to sit next to my friend Lauren and enjoyed a good movie selection, so it wasn't too bad. Right now working on getting my real life back into order and finalizing everything for the summer and next year. I've talked on the phone and watched TV more in the last 12 hours than I have in the last four months. I ate a huge American cheeseburger last night, so that was a good welcome back to me. 

All is good here in Deerfield. I miss London lots, and will never forget my time there. So, I've gone a little OCD and made a bunch of lists of all the things I will miss from London, stuff I did and some tips if you plan on going to Europe any time soon. So here are my lists, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did writing them out. Cheers!

Top 10 Must See Places In London
Portobello Market
Covent Garden/Leicester Square
Regents Park
Kensington Gardens
Borough Market
Churchill Museum
Somerset House
Buckingham Palace
Tower Bridge/Tower of London
Thames River

Things I Miss From London
Pub Culture
Trashy celebrity gossip
Free daily newspapers
British pounds
Victorian architecture
(Mostly) free museums
The spellings of certain words
The Tube
The Thames River
An international city
The huge amount of different English dialects
Lack of peanut products
Too much else to count...

Things I Miss From The States
Family and friends
"Real" hamburgers
Separation of church and state
Complete separation of journalism and state
Spacious living quarters
American television
Movies usually open in the States first
Ice in drinks
Complimentary table bread
Tap water

English Words/Phrases I Will Miss
Cheers, mate
Top Up
Way Out
Mind the Gap
Mind your Head
Mind the Step
Stone (instead of pounds)

Food I'll Miss From Europe
English breakfasts
English bacon
Turkish Delights (not English, but they're in England more than here)
Italian gelato
Spanish tapas
The fact that croissants are everywhere
The fact that donuts are everywhere
Fish and chips
Lots of ham sandwiches
The emphasis on tea (even though I hardly ever drank it)
Biscuits (cookies)

Top Apartment Quirks
No hot water
No cold water
Water that is either too hot or too cold
Shower curtains that don't work
Kitchen smelled towards the end--turned out to be a rotting, cracked egg
The abundance of mold
The front door doesn't close all the way unless forced
Broken dresser drawers
Tiny living quarters
One bathroom, six girls--enough said

Places I Went
Isle of Wight, England
Paris, France
Rome, Italy
Florence, Italy
Venice, Italy
Barcelona, Spain

Day Trips I Took In England
Dover Castle
Warwick Castle

Theatre I Saw
The Lion King
A Midsummer Night's Dream
Phantom of the Opera
Sunset Boulevard
Billy Elliot
Spring Awakening
La Cage Aux Folles
Calendar Girls

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The End

Today is my last day in London. I'm down to just a few more hours now that will be used to pack, sleep, clean like crazy and soak up all that's left of London. I am very sad to leave. I will continue to update the blog throughout the summer, so please don't stop reading. 

I said goodbye to MSN on Thursday, which was very bittersweet. MSN was a great experience, and one that I am very sad to say goodbye to, especially all the people that work there. Hopefully we'll all keep in touch. I did get like 3 clips on Thursday on the site, so it was a busy last day and I left with a bang. Missouri will not compare to MSN. I guess this makes me a senior in college now, which is even more difficult to believe.

Friday was a free day that we were very excited about. We went to Dino's, an Italian restaurant I have come to adore for its charm, decent food and terrible service, for a traditional English breakfast, despite the fact that it's an Italian restaurant. Maddy, Lauren and I then headed to Regents Park where we strolled, rode on a paddle boat and laid out, enjoying the beautiful Spring day in London.

Most of the afternoon and evening was spent packing and cleaning, which is going pretty well, but seems stressful. 

Today, we decided to spend the Saturday at Portobello Market, one of my favourite places in London. I will miss it. We had another traditional English breakfast (the best meal of my life) and walked around the too-crowded streets. I will miss Notting Hill with its cute houses and uniqueness that cannot match anything in America. 

My Dad says my blogs keep getting more and more nostalgic and I apologise for that, but I simply cannot help it. At this point, I've accepted the fact that I am headed back to America, but am still sad to leave. It will also be a very different America than the one I left four months ago--new President, new atmosphere, newfound pride. At least that's what it seems like from afar. I have yet to be on President Obama's territory, so that will be a welcoming feeling to me. 

Tonight we will celebrate our time in London at a traditional pub in my favourite place in London--Covent Garden. We will drink pints, eat fish and chips and laugh about all the good times we have had. Then we will clean more and pack more and sleep before we have to awake very early to go the airport and take the 9-hour flight home. 

I will post a blog once I get back to Chicago, and I'm pretty sure I will continue this blog a bit throughout the summer, as I have enjoyed writing to my very small audience. Hope everyone else has a good weekend. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cotswolds and Movie Premieres

This has been a very action-packed, fun-filled week in London. My Sunday was spent in the villages of the Cotswolds and Tuesday evening at the world premiere of State of Play. 

I had a lovely time at the Cotswolds, which is an area of England about two hours away from London by coach (bus). The Cotswolds are a collection of very quaint villages that are known for their quaintness, shops and small town feel. It was certainly that. I went with my friend Linda with a tour group, which was good because I don't think the Cotswolds would have been something we could have done on our own due to the lack of trains and the fact that the tour took us to three villages in the Cotswolds. 

We started at the village of Stow for about an hour, which was really all the time we needed to explore the one street that had stuff in the town. Linda and I actually managed to walk around the entire town, even down the little community areas in an hour. It was adorable. 

We got back on the bus and went to the town of Burton-on-the-Water, which was what it sounds like. It's known as the Venice of England, and it certainly was. It had a gorgeous stream running through it and little bridges, so it did look remarkably like Venice. We loved it! It was also perfect weather outside, so we enjoyed eating at a little garden restaurant and having ice cream afterwards. The town was also adorable with tons of tea shops and little candy stores and a bunch of other little shops. Burton was definitely the liveliest town we saw, but it was perfect. 

In all the three towns we went to it was amazing how non-commercial of a place the Cotswolds were. There was not one Starbucks or McDonalds. I don't know if I can honestly say I have ever been to a place like that before in my life. It was very refreshing. 

Our last stop was Burford, which also had a little stream at the edge of town, which was beautiful. That town was cool because there were a lot of side streets with an air of mystique, in a good way, to them. We even stumbled across a really cute church yard cemetery, and ate a quick bite of tea and scones at one of the cute tea shops in the town. It was an enjoyable time. 

We really enjoyed our day in the Cotswolds, although I was exhausted and slept very well that evening. The coach ride to and from the Cotswolds was also beautiful--it was the stereotype of what everyone thinks the English countryside should look like: rolling hills, sheep and lambs, and perfect country and farm houses. It was beautiful. 

This week has been a kind of a crazy week at work with everything wrapping up and all my co-workers giving me work before they have no intern for a few weeks, which is good because I'm getting some more quality clips in. I've really loved my internship and was very sad to say goodbye to my boss, Colleen, who left for holiday yesterday. Tomorrow is my last day. 

A perk of my entertainment work was being invited by Universal Studios to go to the world premiere of State Of Play with Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Helen Mirren and Rachel McAdams. I was ecstatic to go and had an extra ticket so I invited Linda to go with me because she's possibly more movie obsessed than I am. We walked down the red carpet, carrying out tickets proudly, which was our pass to get through security and into the theatre. 

The premiere, like all London premieres, took place in Leicester Square and there were a million screaming fans there looking enviously as we walked down the red carpet with all the other "normal" people who went. The theatre was huge, which prompted me to think of who gets invited to these premieres. The theatre must have had a least a thousand seats. There was also a water bottle and little chocolate bar on each seat, so that was a nice little perk.

Russell, Crowe, Helen Mirren and the director (who also directed the Last King of Scotland) were all there, so they all got up and introduced the film. Helen Mirren praised Russell Crowe for taking over the lead role at the last minute (Brad Pitt supposedly pulled out of the film at the last minute) and Russell Crowe just recited a short poem about his love for Australia and that was it. It was kind of weird, but we were excited to get sitting in the fourth row and getting to see them so up-close. It was a good film too. Very suspenseful and interesting. Also a good old-fashioned newspaper film, which made me happy, although I'm sure the cynics will say that it's unrealistic, which I suppose it kind of is. 

Linda and I took advantage of eating dinner in Leicester Square and walking around Piccadilly at night. It was a nice evening, although in my opinion movie premieres are more hyped than they really are, although it was very exciting to go to one and be in the middle of all the action.

Today, Wednesday, as a day off for us, as all of our classes are officially over! We had a big journalism presentation Monday night, so I am very pleased that that is over. Now just one more day of work and then back in the States on Sunday. 

I had yet to go shopping in London before today, to the shock of all my roommates who had wasted no time at stores like Primark and Top Shop, all on the glamorous Oxford and Regent Streets. I never went with them previous, but I suggested that it was time for some summer stuff for me, so we put off our sightseeing for a day and made our way to Oxford Circus. 

I shopped...a lot. There is no other way to put it. Two blouses, two shirts, a skirt and a dress later I was exhausted and back in my flat. Shopping with my friends was, dare I say it, fun. For those of you who don't me know me that well, you will know that I hate clothes shopping. Hate, loath, there is no other way to put it. I go only because I need clothes and like looking presentable but usually I go kicking and screaming (many times quite literally), but usually enjoy the final product, and am thankful for a mother who puts up with my shopping drama. (Thanks, Mom!)

It was interesting to shop in London because the fact that London is an international city transcends into its clothing stores. There are stores that don't exist in America and are from all over the world--there were stores from Japan, Spain, here in England and, of course, America. Quite a diverse amount of clothes to sort through, but I enjoyed it. It's also interesting how some stores that aren't very high end at home are very high end here. Like Banana Republic, which sits next to Armani and across the street from Burberry, which was much more ritzy and expensive than at home. So shopping in London was an interesting experience, but I enjoyed myself and got to spend time that is running out quickly with my friends who I will not be seeing all summer. 

Anyway, the reality of me leaving London is beginning to sink in. Last day of work and final drinks with my colleagues is tomorrow. Currently have no food left in the flat because I don't want to buy stuff and not eat it before I leave. I have really come to love London. It is such a diverse city with so many different things to do everyday. I've also come to find that there is always something to do in London because there are still places that people bring up that I'd never heard of before. It's the perfect place and I would recommend it to anyone. Anyway, going to the spend Friday and Saturday saying goodbye to all the places I've attached myself to and then am coming back to the States, as we call it here, on Sunday. 

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Only One Week Left...

We're down the final days here in London. We've made our final to do lists and have all our summer plans organized. With just one week left we are all making the most of our time in London and soaking up the last of a city I've grown to love and will miss immensely. 

This past week has been busy with our work wrapping up and our final journalism project hanging over our heads taunting us due on Monday. Last day of work is Thursday. On Wednesday for our final weekly BLC field trip we went to the Tower of London--finally! Everyone's been telling me to go there and I had to wait until the last week to go. It was pretty cool. I feel a little jipped because our group was too early for the actual tour, so we just wandered on our own, which was fine, but I was disappointed to miss the tour. 

Afterwards, my friends Linda, Lauren and I finally made the pilgrimage to Kew Gardens, which is outside the parameters of our Tube passes--so on the edge of the city. It is the Royal Botanical Gardens and also has Kew Palace inside the Gardens. Beforehand, we stopped at this cute little shop for some delicious fish and chips (I'm going to miss those so much) and then made our way into the gardens. Getting in was pretty expensive (11 pounds, 15 dollars!) so we spent the whole afternoon there. It is huge. We wandered around the various gardens, saw the palace, went in a million greenhouses to see plants. It was a very varied place--some woodsy areas, many manicured gardens, greenhouses, etc. Lots of parks and gardens are like that in Europe, very unlike the US. It was a good day. We even stopped afterwards for a quick afternoon tea, which for me did not include tea but hot chocolate and scones (I'm going to miss those too, scones don't taste the same in America). 

Thursday was another normal day at work, but I was especially excited because I bought tickets forever ago to see Calendar Girls in the evening. Calendar Girls, yes the one from the movie, is a brand new play that just started in London a few weeks ago. I love seeing new performances, and I have to say that this did not let me down. I grabbed a quick dinner in Leicester Square where it was nice enough to eat outside and felt very posh going to the theatre alone on a weeknight. The play was wonderful. It's one of those that makes you laugh and cry. I was one of the younger ones in the crowd, but I enjoyed it so much. Everyone should go see it once it hits the States. It's very empowering. 

Friday was a busy day at work, but I like being busy so I didn't mind. Trying to get all the last clips in possible. Faced with a free evening, my friend Linda and I went to a movie. As I have explained in blog posts earlier, movies are much different in the UK than they are in the States. Assigned seats, too many commercials and not enough previews. It's all so weird, to me at least. We went in Leicester Square, which is always a fun place to be at night. We saw Young Victoria, which is a biopic/romantic movie about the early years of Queen Victoria's reign. I've come to know a lot about the Victorian era through class and this movie, and I have to say that I'm a fan. The Victorian era turned England around a lot and was very pivotal. Anyway...the movie was fantastic, and according to IMDb is not coming to the States, possibly ever, so I was very happy to see it when I had the chance. You should all Netflix it when it does come out of DVD. It was a great film. 

Today was a day for getting all my final places crossed off my list before next week where I will go back to all the places I love and say goodbye. In the morning, I went with Linda to Borough Market, which is near the River. It's entirely food and was incredibly overwhelming, but amazing! There were free samples everywhere and we not only feasted on those, but got lunch and tonight's dinner as well. There was so much food! It was great. One thing I am not going to be happy getting used to when I'm back in the States is readjusting to my peanut allergy. Europe uses peanuts and nut products so much less than the US that I have stopped asking about oil used and nuts in things. I could never sample much of the food I sampled at Borough if I were in the States. That's why I've never been to the Taste of Chicago even though I live there. Anyway, that is a luxury in London that I've gotten extremely used to. 

Borough was a lot of fun. I dined on traditional German bratwurse for lunch and picked up a huge brownie for dessert. I split of a load of English bread for dinner with Linda and had some meat to go with it. We went all the way back home to drop off our purchases before doing more. 

I headed to Somerset House, which is a huge art museum nearly on the River. I'm surprised I hadn't been there or heard of it earlier. It was so huge and in a beautiful building with a huge courtyard area with little fountains that dozens of kids were taking advantage of running through considering the nice weather. I got to see all the impressionist works, which is what the art I like the most. I even saw this one Monet that we have a print of in my house in Deerfield, so that was fun to see, and very unexpected. 

The evening was low key. I went to a pub with Linda for a pint (another thing I'm going to miss in the States) and spend the evening blogging and hanging out before what is probably going to be a long day tomorrow--day trip to the Cotswolds and cramming to get our journalism presentation done, which is to be presented Monday evening, and I am not looking forward to it. 

Anyway, will blog about the Cotswolds and the last of my journey in London. It's been a great semester. I'm sad to see the days quickly dwindle away. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


This past Easter/Passover weekend my friends and I went to Barcelona, Spain. Maddy and Lauren had a good friend of theirs there who they stayed with and I stayed in the Barcelona Dream hostel with our mutual friend Danielle who's in our program. We met up with Maddy and Lauren often, but that was our somewhat confusing staying arrangement. 

Our flight on Friday was right in the middle of the afternoon and was a bit pricey considering how touristy Barcelona is during Easter weekend, but it was well worth it. By the time we got to Barcelona, took the AeroBus from the airport into the city and took the underground from there to our hostel, it was somewhat late. We got acquainted with our temporary roommates and explored the beach, which was only 10 minutes from our hostel. Our first glimpse of Barcelona was already beautiful. We did our best to get acclimated to Spanish culture and ate a late dinner. 

Spain is never a country I could live in because of their very different culture. I applaud them for having it all figured out as theirs probably makes more sense than ours does, but it was weird to me. It's Spanish culture to nap or relax, called siesta, from about 2-4 in the afternoon after having their biggest meal of the day. Therefore, none of the restaurants for dinner open until 9:00 PM, at the earliest! The nightlife in Spain is insane, not that I took much advantage of it, so the Spanish stay up all night drinking and socializing and the whole thing starts over again. It is a very interesting culture that was cool to take part in, but nothing I could do forever. 

On Saturday, Danielle and I did our own thing and met up with the other girls later. We decided to take advantage of a free tour the hostel offers at noon, so we awoke early (for Spain) and immediately went to find the Museo Picasso, which is a huge attraction in Barcelona featuring a huge amount of Picasso's work. It was pretty cool. A little overpriced (6 euro for students), but it was cool to see all of his older stuff besides just the cubism stuff. The line was super long since we were there right when the museum opened and people were lined up for it. 

We then took a walking tour, which started at the sketchy Travel Bar in Barcelona, which was basically for American tourists. The tour was actually pretty good for being free. The lady showed us the main cathedral in Barcelona, but also a lot of older stuff that was hidden that I don't think I would have gotten to on my own. She even outlined the history of the Jews in Barcelona (who were kicked out or forced to convert for some reason) during Columbus' time. Youth hostels and tours like these try to be very inclusive in trying for get people to know one another, which me and my friends aren't too big on, but there were a lot of other American students like us who were nice. 

We had our first taste of tapas on the boardwalk near the beach and they were delicious. The best calamari I've had so far (although this was only the second time I'd ever had it). Tapas are little appetizers that are delicious. I could eat them all the time. We sat outside and enjoyed the sunlight before it started drizzling on and off for the afternoon. 

Everyone describes Barcelona as having the nicest weather all the time. They say it never rains there. They lied. It rained off and on all day Saturday and Sunday, but more on Sunday. Monday was beautiful, but the rain was a bit frustrating over the weekend. 

We walked up and down Las Ramblas which is a huge market street. There is also a food market there that has every single type of food you could think of. The market was really cool. I could have bought more than a few postcards and cheap pair of earrings, but I settled on just those items. 

Barcelona was a really beautiful city because, like Paris, wherever you go is another piece of beautiful architecture or cool building that you have to take a picture of. Everything was just so pretty despite the relentless rain or gloom of the day. 

After Las Ramblas, we explored a Gaudi (a Spanish artist whose art is all over the city--in the parks, on buildings, on streets, everywhere) Museum, which was really  cool. We then met up with Maddy, Lauren and their friend Catherine who took us to the "magic fountain." 

We weren't sure what the Magic Fountain was, but it really was magical. It's basically this huge series of fountains that lead up to the huge Catalonia art museum. On Friday and Saturday nights they have a water and light show for free, so we hung around there and watched the show. We also walked up to Olympic Park, which was right near there. The Olympics were in Barcelona in 1992 and apparently really put Barcelona on the map as a tourist destination because of all the renovation done and showcase that Barcelona was. 

We then ate a very traditional Catalonian meal--Catalonia is where Barcelona is. Locals will refer to Barcelona as in Catalonia before they refer to it as in Spain. It's just a section in Northwest Spain, with a rich history in itself. Our Spanish meal consisted of sangria (which was good, but I didn't like it as much as I thought I would) and paella. Paella is basically rice with seafood and some sort of sauce. I'm not huge on seafood, so I ate around that part, but the dish was delicious. I was happy that Catherine knew where many local, traditional Spanish restaurants were, since I often feel caught in a tourist trap while eating in European cities. 

We had seen most of the cites that Saturday, so Sunday we decided to fill in the gaps. We were not sure what to expect since it was Easter and we were told numerous times by Catherine that the city tends to completely "shut down" on most Sundays. However, to our pleasant surprise, many restaurants were open and most museums were open in the mornings, so we, and Catherine, were surprised by this unexpected day. 

Anyway, we started by looking at Sagrada Familia, which is a HUGE cathedral that's just massive with some pretty parts. We then were brave and took the long, uphill hike to Parc Guell, which is the most unique, coolest park I've ever been to. It showcases much of Guadi's mosaics, but in general is a park like no other. It had palm trees and another type of haunting trees all around. I really can't even attempt to explain the architecture of the rest, but I will post Facebook pictures soon with the park and what it looks like. It was definitely a highlight of the trip. 

We found a little restaurant that kind of looked and felt like an American diner with very authentic, cheap and delicious Spanish food. I had a ham sandwich (Spain has the best ham I've ever had) with tortilla Espana, which was a favorite tapas of mine before coming to Spain and still is. It's basically a mix of egg and potatoes with a few onions, but doesn't really taste like that, but I love it. I think had to have a traditional Spanish dessert--flan. It, however, was not what I expected. It didn't look or taste like flan I had eaten in America, but was served more like bread pudding, and was delicious and filling nonetheless. 

We walked, again, to Passeig de Gracia, which is not only a very fancy shopping street (Chanel, Valentino, Gucci, you name it, it was there), but also had Guadi's famous apartment buildings. We looked at both of them from the outside, but didn't go in because of the long lines and rain. There were beautiful. They're kind of a landmark in Barcelona and they were breathtaking and gorgeous. 

Then then met up with Maddy, Lauren and Catherine and went to a cafe for dinner near Catherine's flat before heading back to the hostel. 

We were relieved to wake up to a bright and sunny Monday. Everyone was still off from work and school and some things were still closed, so it was still holiday for us. Danielle and I started by going to another, slightly less exciting park in the morning. The Arc de Triomf was there too. I know, that's in Paris! But Arc de Triomphs seem to be copied in a lot of European cities I've been to, including Barcelona. Anyway, we walked around the park, which was much more traditional that Parc Guell, but had beautiful buildings and blooming flowers. 

We met the rest of the group after that to go a tapas place that Catherine loved. It could not have been more perfect--it was off a side street in an older-looking plaza where we sat outside. Catherine and I got the "brunch." Since everything was just in Spanish at most places (and my high school Spanish failed me the majority of the time) we got used to just pointing to things that we only half knew what they were and most of the time ended up loving it. It worked out rather nicely. I figured I liked breakfast food, so what could go wrong? It was great. It was a spread of food items--bread, ham, some other meat, two types of cheeses, fresh Spanish fruit and condiments in the form of butter and jam. All sandwiches in Spain come with some sort of tomato spread on them. In England, butter is automatically put on all sandwiches, tomatoes in Spain, so every place is different! The spread also came with a side of potatas bravas, which is by far my favorite tapas dish--spicy potatoes with tomato sauce and mayonnaise. I know it sounds gross, but it's really delicious once you mix it all together. 

In other words, I'm officially a fan of Spanish food. 

We then walked down Las Ramblas to the port and beach area. I've never seen so many boats at one time. You could tell that the beach was touristy and was packed. Although we had none of the right clothes, we found a cozy spot on the sand and pulled out our books and enjoyed every moment of the beautiful day and water. We walked down the beach and saw so many beautiful views. I even managed to get a little sun. It was a great afternoon. 

By then the day was nearly over and we went back to Catherine's apartment and watched Vicky Cristina Barcelona just because now we could name all the sights we saw in the film, much to our great pleasure. We went back to the place from an early evening where I picked another tapas dish I didn't know anything about--ham crouquettes. They were pretty good. I'm not a huge fan of not knowing what you're ordering, but it worked for me in Spain. 

Today was a sad day. An especially warm day in Barcelona when we packed our bags in the morning and left for our tedious journey back to London. Although we booked our plane through British Airways, we were on an Iberian flight, which did not give any food or beverage. The flight was also delayed because of waiting for food that you have to pay for. We had never had a flight delayed before, so we weren't happy. We made it back to London where border control seems to be getting stricter every time we get back from another trip. 

Now back in London with only two weeks left in Europe now. I'm glad to not be going anywhere these last weeks as I've prepared my final list of stuff to do, buy and eat in London. Class and work are also finishing soon and I will be sad to say goodbye to my coworkers. Hope everyone else had a good holiday weekend. Be blogging more soon!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Off To Barcelona

Its been a whirlwind week here in London as Maddy, Lauren and I prepare to go to Barcelona for Easter Break. Our program is also winding down, so have made our final list of things to do in London and are fully committed to getting everything done before we leave. 

Work this week has been the usual. However, on Monday night something unusual did happen. The boss of Entertainment and Life and Style organized a bowling night. It was just kind of supposed to be a bonding thing for people, which is always a nice thing for a workplace to do. 

Anyway, the interns with Ents and Life and Style, one other besides me, were invited to go along as well. The evening, of course, started with drinks in a pub and then progressed to bowling in the Piccadilly Circus area. My mom's first response when I told her I was going bowling was similar to mine, "They have bowling there?" 

Apparently they do, however, the place we went was the most touristy place I've been to in London so far and I felt like I had been transported back to the States. The bowling alley was EXACTLY the same as any you would see in the US. It was a Brunswick bowling alley, with the same everything we're used to in America. It was a very bizarre feeling, so say the least. It was a very fun evening to spend with my colleagues. I will miss them and MSN a lot. 

Wednesday was another weekly field trip. Today we went to the Globe Theatre, which is theoretically Shakespeare's Globe, although its been rebuilt a million times since Shakespeare's time, and was mostly recently rebuilt just 10 years ago. It would be really cool to see a show there, but the season doesn't start until after we're back home. Our tour guide was an actor who worked at the Globe so it was very interesting to hear about the Globe from his point-of-view. I guess it was a cool thing to see in London. 

Faced with a free afternoon, I decided to go next door to Tate Modern, because everyone loves it and I hadn't been there yet. Let me first say that it is in the world's ugliest building--right on the river and used to be a factor of some sort. I'm not a  huge fan of modern art, so my judgment may not be the best to go by, but I did like most of it, to the surprise of me and my flatmates. There were a few of the impressionists, and I just walked through the very modern stuff, although some of it was cool. 

After that, I did some souvenir shopping and picked up a sandwich for lunch to eat in Green Park. It was a pretty mellow day, which was a relief since I spent a lot of my day working on my journalism group presentation due soon after we get back from break. I'm not looking forward to it. It is on free daily newspapers in London, which is a very interesting topic, and one I picked myself, but I do not like presentations, so it is not fun. 

Anyway, I leave for Barcelona on Friday afternoon and return late afternoon Tuesday. Then back to work and class for just a week before everything wraps up and we return to the States in about two and a half weeks from now. Sad how fast the time has gone here, but I plan on making the most of my last time here. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday in the Park

Today was a rare day for me in that I had nothing specifically planned. At least at first. I took the opportunity to sleep late after being exhausted from Brighton yesterday. Well, not too late, considering I still needed to get things crossed off my sightseeing in London list.

I began the day by going to Regent’s Park in Northern London, which I heard was absolutely beautiful. The rumors were right. The park was by far the most beautiful I have seen in London so far, and I have been to many parks. It was huge and had a little something for everyone—open fields where many sports were being played, gardens with no shortage of perfectly bloomed flowers and landscaped trees, little man-made rivers and springs—some for content enjoyment and others for paddle boating and a mini pond just for paddle boating for the kids. I spent a good 4 hours in the park, just walking around, picking up some lunch and reading amidst the trees and water. It was a gorgeous day in London, which got progressively cloudier as the day went on, so I’m glad I went in the morning hours.

I reluctantly boarded the Tube to go back into central London to the Science Museum, which I’d wanted to see for a while. It was pretty cool, but younger kids probably would have enjoyed it more. There was something for every interest though, which was nice. Lots of stuff for every taste. I did not stay too long since it was very crowded with families. The museum did not take me as long as predicted so I debated what to do next. I decided to walk up the street to find the Serpentine Gallery in the middle of Kensington Park.

The Serpentine Gallery is a tiny gallery that features one exhibit of a modern artist at a time. It was way too modern for my taste, so I cannot say that I enjoyed it much, but someone who likes modern art would.

Despite the cold, I sat in the park for a bit and read my addicting book some more before walking back to my flat opposed to taking the Tube. It was a gorgeous day for walking and I definitely did not waste time doing that.

It was good to get a lot of sightseeing in, as time seems to have sped up here in London. I go home in about 3 weeks and will miss London lots. This week will be very busy with work and travel.

Jade Goody’s funeral was yesterday, theoretically putting an end to all the coverage surrounding her, but I doubt that since stories about her have been covered in the free papers literally every day since her death two weeks ago now.

I am also going to Barcelona, Spain on Friday, so I will be busy planning for that. It’ll be nice to go on another trip since our Italian adventure seems like it was ages ago. Anyway, hope everyone has a good week.