Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lazy Days

To be honest, I haven’t been up to much in the past few days now that work has started and I actually have a life outside of being a tourist. Work is going very well. All the interns were invited out to a pub for drinks after work on Friday, which was a lot of fun. Pub life is very culturally important in London and the workforce, so going there with my new colleagues was a fun way to get to know them better outside the office. Work has been going well so far. I'm just starting to learn all the programs and how their system works, so it's been good so far. Everyone is very welcoming and eager for us to become part of the "team" as they are fond of calling it. I may get to tag along on a particular celebrity interview on Tuesday, but it's not a sure thing, so I don't want to jinx it until I know more. 

On Saturday, some of my flatmmates and I woke up at the crack of dawn (literally) to head over for a tour of St. Paul’s cathedral. It was really pretty from the inside with beautiful mosaics on the ceilings. We had the option of climbing up to the very top, but I’m sure it’s of no surprise to you that I opted out of climbing the over 400 stairs to the top. The cathedral was beautiful and interesting, but our tour guide droned on for a while, so I became uninterested after a few hours.

Overwhelmed by homework and our long tour, we went back to the flat and spent the remainder of the afternoon catching up on papers and reading. We then went to Covent Garden for dinner. I have never, even during rush hour, seen the Tube so packed as it was on a Saturday night. People were literally standing on top of each other. It was ridiculous. But we did eventually make it to Covent Garden, which I really love. It’s like an escape from the city even though it’s within the city. It’s also a place that is very unique to England. So we went to a really cute Italian place there, which had okay food, but the atmosphere made it worth it. We were seated in the hidden basement of the restaurant, which had all brick walls and low ceilings and a waiter that predominantly spoke Italian. It was a very quaint restaurant, which made the experience that much more fun.

It has been a very lazy Sunday today. After days of waking up early, we all slept past 11 and spent so far this afternoon continuing to do homework. We’re about to go out, but we don’t know where yet. It has been a very peaceful weekend. I am starting to think about travel on the weekends and for Spring break (which is coming up much quicker than I would like) so I will update you when I know more. London has been quite an adventure so far and I am looking forward to getting to know the city better.

PS. I really would appreciate if whoever reads this blog would occasionally comment on it so I don’t feel like I am writing to myself every few days. 

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